class 5 unit 6 assignment 2

 Class V Cambridge International

Unit -6 Assignment 2

Q1.Write in words and in expanded form 

  1. 8783.24         ___________________________________  


  1.  120. 041   ___________________________________ 


Q2. Write the value of the underlined digit. 

a. 198.752 - __________________ 

b. 956.726 - __________________ 

c. 472.861 - __________________ 

d. 764.509- __________________ 

e. 896.804 - __________________

Q3. Add : 

  1. 122.34,   103.67,   98.078  


  1. 451.202 , 1993.14 


  1. 8993.456 ,  415.78  , 9.02 


Q4. Subtract:

  1. 676.801 - 12.34 


  1. 9897.005- 780.55


Q5. Multiplication of a Decimal Number By 10, 100, 1000

      a) 29.1438 x 10 ___________________________________

      b) 83.9834 x 100___________________________________

      c) 12.5438 x 1000___________________________________

Q6. Division of a Decimal Number By 10, 100, 1000

  1. 3296.4 ÷ 10 ___________________________________

  2. 7632.34 ÷ 100 ___________________________________

  3. 6256.91 ÷ 1000 ___________________________________

Q7. Convert them into like decimals:

  1. 56.072   , 879.8  ,  56.87 ___________________________________

  2. 6758.03   ,  123.9  , 988.705 ___________________________________

Q8. Jonathan family has $457.00 to spend on his sister wedding. So far, they have already spent $247.00. How much is left for the rest of the wedding events?




Q9. Kelly’s father gives her Rs. 256.50 every day. How much money does she have by the end of the week? 




Q10. Round off to the nearest whole no.

  1. 125.67 =

  2. 450.4

  3. 345.21

  4. 799.9


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